A ship's fender is a kind of ship's equipment that protects ships, ships, small boats, etc. when it comes into contact with wharves, docks and other objects.A marine fender is also commonly referred to as a ship's bumper. This is a very important piece of equipment because it prevents damage to the ship and to another surface.Fender equipment is used in a system or structure of a ship to protect the ship's head or hull in the event of a collision. Such equipment can also be found in piers, piers, piers and port structures. It has a wide variety of varieties to meet different functions and they have different shapes.Some of the most popular include:
Cell Fender

Cell fender is one of the most reliable and mature fender designs available and is arguably the most commonly used structure in the shipping industry.Fender is commonly used for oil and liquefied natural gas platforms, offshore terminals, container berths, etc. These are Marine fenders that can provide high performance and super durability.Its shape gives it shear strength and robustness, the ability to absorb energy in the same way from different directions and a compact structure.
Cone Fender

This is a Marine fender that can be thought of as an improved version of the cell fender.Due to its efficient geometry, the fender is suitable for handling a variety of different situations.It can be used in places where the tides vary widely. The advanced function of the fender helps to improve the capacity of the ship crane in material handling.Tapered fenders are easily deformed due to their shape and can absorb energy from all directions. Therefore, despite the large compression Angle, it is still very stable.
Pneumatic Fender

These fenders are primarily used for transfer from ship to ship in the middle of the ocean, or what we commonly call "STS" operations.Pneumatic fenders require minimal maintenance costs. Another characteristic of this type of fender is the low reaction force at the low deflection (soft reaction force).This feature makes these fenders ideal for ship-to-ship (STS) operations.It is usually possible to mount a tyre/chain mesh on the pneumatic fender for additional protection.
Arch Fender

This kind of ship fender is simple in design and has excellent shear performance.The dimensions of the arch fenders vary on request.Due to its design, this type of fender is suitable for ships with high allowable hull pressures.Its popular applications include general cargo ships, work ship harbors, barge berths, etc.These are just some of the most popular marine fenders in the industry. Different types of appeals vary according to requirements, applications and limitations. For more information on the different variants/types of ship fender, .you can check out our product page or contact our sales staff directly at info@sunhelmmarine.com