Arch rubber fenders have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the unique features that the arch fenders offer.
Arch rubber fenders are manufactured from a single rubber mould, which is very strong and wear-resistant. The shape of the arch rubber fender also gives it unique attributes. The base sides of arch rubber fenders are attached to the desired surface, which allows the arch to compress and move under pressure. The arch rubber fender can absorb greater impact without warping and deterioration, and can effectively prevent external force from hitting the wall and play a role of shock absorption protection.

SUNHELM's arch rubber fender is a simple and durable marine fender system. The arch rubber fender has the advantages of high energy absorption, flexible layout, excellent shear resistance, various standard sizes, good anchorage, and easy installation. It is widely used for ships, docks, workboat harbours, bridges and unloading platforms, etc.
SUNHELM's arch rubber fenders have higher stress dispersion and long service life, and can provide reliable and trouble-free services for various berths even under the most severe conditions.
We also provide with other types of marine rubber fenders for your customzied demands, please contact us.