Bee Nest Puncture-resistance airbag is a unique patented product independently developed by SunHelm own R&D teams.
On the basis of traditional airbags, The SunHelm Bee Nest puncture-resistance airbags add layer of high-strength anti-puncture composite material, which can effectively prevent accidental scratches and punctures caused sharp objects, improved the service life of the product significantly.

Why more and more people prefer SunHelm Bee Nest airbags now?
1. Puncturing prevention. High-density steel cord form a protective layer, overcomes the drawback of rubber easily puncture.
2.Scratching prevention. High-density steel cord layer prevents accidental scratches efficiently.
3.Less layers ,easy for operation.No need to increase the thickness of the airbag to improve the puncture-resistance performance.
4.Long service lift and cost saving.

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